Where Wildcats ROAR!

Blue Ribbon Award


Werner Volunteer Opportunities 2024-25

Classrooms: Your child's teacher will communicate volunteer needs throughout the year. If you have any questions, reach out to them.

School: As we have school-wide needs for volunteers, we will post them here.

  • Garden Help- Do you enjoy gardening? We are in need of volunteers to help support the maintenance of our front garden. If you are interested, please email Mr. Camp (hcamp@psdschools.org). 
  • DAB (District Advisory Board) Representative Needed- The District Advisory Board advises the district on a number of issues and is made up of parent representatives from each school and acts as a link between the community and the district. If you are interested, please email Mr. Camp (hcamp@psdschools.org).
  • SAC (School Accountability Committee) Representatives Needed- Our SAC meets about 4-6 times each year to discuss school improvement efforts. School Accountability Committees (SAC),  which are made up of parents and staff, offer guidance on academic action plans, budget priorities, safety issues and other areas. If you are interested, please email Mr. Camp (hcamp@psdschools.org).


Volunteer Information

Thank you for contributing your time and talent to PSD students and staff! Volunteers are vital to the success of our school in so many ways. In order to volunteer in any PSD school, you must be registered.

Use the links below to login or register, see opportunities in PSD. If registering, please allow one to five days for processing.

For more information about volunteering in PSD, go to Visitors and Volunteers.

Register to Volunteer

Volunteer Opportunities-PSD


COVID protocols 

Self-monitoring for symptoms is required before entering a school. Volunteer opportunities at schools may be designed to limit the potential for close contact as much as possible. Volunteers should report to the school as quickly as possible if:

  • Identified as a close contact of an individual who tested positive or probable for COVID-19
  • You test positive or are considered probable for COVID-19. 
  • Visit the PSD COVID Protocols web page for information about returning to school. 

Raptor Volunteer Check-In System

Poudre School District utilizes a visitor and volunteer check-in system called Raptor. Nothing is more important than the safety of our students and staff. That is why PSD is using the nationally recognized Raptor Technologies visitor and volunteer management system, which is used in more than 50,000 K-12 schools worldwide.

With Raptor, PSD can:  

  • Verify the identity of visitors and volunteers at all schools to ensure that they are there for educational and approved support purposes 
  • Know who is in a school in real-time in the event of an emergency.  

What you need to know and do 

  • Always enter schools through the secure front entrance. Do not attempt to go through side doors or prop doors open for others. 
  • If dropping off your child’s lunch or homework at the front desk/entrance, do NOT check in using Raptor.  
  • If going beyond the school’s front entrance, DO follow these steps to check in.

First-time visitors and volunteers 

  • See front desk staff.  
  • Provide an ID to be scanned (e.g., driver's licenses, passport ID cards, or other government- and military-issued ID cards with a bar stripe).  
    • Don’t have one? See the front desk staff, who can manually confirm identification using passports, birth certificates, permanent resident cards, Native American tribal documents, voter registration card, and more. 
  • Raptor system runs a real-time check of the national registered sex offender database.  
    • PSD has protocols to promote safety and maintain the dignity and confidentiality of individuals, should this search yield any results. 
    • If there are no results, the individual will be given a badge and cleared to enter. 
  • Return to the front desk to sign out upon leaving. 

 Returning visitors and volunteers

  • Check in at the front desk. 
  • Returning visitors with an existing record can be checked in without scanning their identification card/verifying document. 
  • If there are no results, the individual will be given a badge and cleared to enter. 

Questions about the check-in system? Find FAQs on the the School Visitor Check-In System web page

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between a volunteer and visitor? 

Volunteers are regular and ongoing

Volunteers may engage with students in school settings, such as :

  • Small groups
  • Field trips
  • Activities or clubs
  • Classroom parties
  • Library or Specials Helpers

Volunteers must register and have a background check in advance.

For volunteer questions: Dawn Feit, Volunteer and Partnership Coordinator, at dfeit@psdschools.org or  970-490-3517.


Visitors are occasional and infrequent

Visitors do not engage with students in an unsupervised setting, for instance:

  • Lunch with your student (infrequent)
  • Someone touring site
  • Contractor working on site
  • Deliver supplies to site
  • Meet with a teacher

Visitors are security screened upon entry to the school building.

For visitor questions: Norm Bastian, security manager - nbastian@psdschools.org or 970.490.3523


Who can register to volunteer? Any individuals over the age of 18, as well as PSD students and staff.

What happens when I register to volunteer? Your application can take up to 10 business days to complete. If your background check clears, you will receive an automated notification and may proceed to volunteer.

Do I have to sign an agreement? Yes, the Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement or the Acuerdo de Confidencialidad del Voluntario.

Do I need to register if I only volunteer for one day or one event? Yes. This requirement applies to all volunteer service, whether it is only for a single occasion or will occur on a sporadic or regular basis, and regardless of the program, event or activity involved. Review the PSD Volunteer Policy KJ here.

Am I required to register each new school year? No. Please keep your volunteer account updated with school preferences and contact information. PSD's policy is to re-run background checks every three years, 30 days before your registration expires you will get notified from our Raptor system.  Please check your junk mail frequently. 



PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.